Xuan Ju

Ph.D. Candidate
Computer Science and Engineering
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

E-mail  /  CV  /  Google Scholar  /  Github


Hi, I'm Xuan Ju (鞠璇). I am currently a second-year Ph.D. student in the CURE Lab at The Chinese University of Hong Kong guided by Pro. Qiang Xu. Before this, I majored in Computer Science and Technology (minored in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics) and got my bachelor's degree from Tongji University.

I have a broad interest in most areas of computer vision, especially in image generation and human motion understanding. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me via email at juxuan.27@gmail.com !

Selected Publications

* equal contribution
MiraData: A Large-Scale Video Dataset with Long Durations and Structured Captions
Under Review
BrushNet : A Plug-and-Play Image Inpainting Model with Decomposed Dual-Branch Diffusion
Under Review
Direct Inversion: Boosting Diffusion-based Editing with 3 Lines of Code
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2024
HumanSD: A Native Skeleton-Guided Diffusion Model for Human Image Generation
IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023 (Oral, Top 1.8%)
Human-Art: A Versatile Human-Centric Dataset Bridging Natural and Artificial Scenes
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023
Multi-Patch Prediction: Adapting LLMs for Time Series Representation Learning
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2024
Paper / arXiv /
Deciwatch: A simple baseline for 10x efficient 2d and 3d pose estimation
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2022
Smoothnet: A plug-and-play network for refining human poses in videos
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2022


Research Intern, Meta GenAI
Jul. 2024 - Dec. 2024
Topic: Video Generation
Supervised by: Kevin Chih-Yao Ma
Research Intern, Tencent ARC Laboratory
Oct. 2023 - Jun. 2024
Topic: Image Inpainting, Video Generation
Supervised by: Xintao Wang, Ying Shan
Research Intern, International Digital Economy Academy (IDEA) CVR Laboratory
Jun. 2022 - Oct. 2023
Topic: Human-Centric Image Generation
Supervised by: Ailing Zeng, Lei Zhang
Research Intern, X-Lab, SenseTime Research
Dec. 2021 - May. 2022
Topic: Human Pose Estimation
Supervised by: Lei Yang

Professional Services

  • Conference Reviewer for ECCV(2024), IJCV(2024), CVPR (2024), ICCV (2023), NeurIPS (2023)

Selected Honors & Awards

  • National Scholarship
    2020, 2021
  • Outstanding Graduate of Shanghai Province
  • Qidi Scholarship
  • First Prize in "Challenge Cup" National College Students Contest

Teaching Experience

  • CSCI 1120, Introduction to Computing Using C++
    Fall 2023
  • CSCI 1520, Computer Principles and C++ Programming
    Spring 2022
  • CSCI 1540, Fundamental Computing with C++
    Fall 2022